No matter how much you love a person, it can be difficult being responsible for his or her every need. If you go too long without a break, you could get burned out and have difficulty managing everyday tasks. Caregiver burnout can develop very gradually, so it can be difficult to recognize when it’s become a problem. Here are a few signs you might be experiencing caregiver burnout.
Little Things Trigger Big Emotional Responses
People with caregiver burnout often find it challenging to handle their emotions. They might find themselves getting unreasonably angry over small irritations or bursting into tears for the slightest reason. Often, these intense emotional reactions can lead to out-of-character behavior, such as throwing things, screaming, or even wanting to hurt someone. When you feel like this, it’s important not to brush it off as just an overreaction. It’s a sign you’re so exhausted that you’re getting overwhelmed.
Professional caregivers can offer families a huge amount of relief. Whether you need respite from your caregiving duties or your aging loved one needs more extensive at-home care, Danville, Assisting Hands Home Care can meet your family’s care needs. Our dedicated caregivers are available around the clock to provide transportation to doctor’s appointments, ensure seniors take their prescribed medications, and help with a variety of tasks in and outside the home.
You’ve Lost Interest in Things You Love
Do you notice that you no longer want to participate in hobbies or don’t get excited about a new episode of your favorite television show anymore? If the things you love seem uninteresting, boring, or silly, you might have caregiver burnout. When you’re burned out, you’re experiencing a form of depression. This can make it challenging to find joy in the things you used to love.
There Are Changes in Your Sleeping & Eating Habits
Of course, many caregivers find themselves with less time to sleep and eat. However, any drastic or unusual changes in your own personal routine are worth noticing. Your appetite and ability to sleep are closely tied to your mental health. If you notice yourself sleeping for hours or being unable to sleep at all, you might be burned out. Burnout is also sometimes characterized by overeating or not eating enough. Even if you don’t notice any changes in appetite, you might have unexplained weight gain or loss.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your caregiving responsibilities, you don’t have to manage everything on your own. Seniors can face a variety of age-related challenges. Though some families choose to take on the caregiving duties, there may come a time when they need a trusted Live-in care provider. Families sometimes need respite from their duties so they can focus on their other responsibilities, and some seniors need around-the-clock assistance that their families are not able to provide. Assisting Hands Home Care is here to help.
You Feel Apathetic Toward Your Loved One
People with caregiver burnout often describe themselves as “just going through the motions.” They no longer worry about their loved ones’ health or feel motivated to try new caregiving techniques. You might find yourself losing interest in how your loved one is doing and no longer want to spend time with him or her. In extreme cases of burnout, even essential jobs like feeding your loved one might seem like incredibly difficult tasks that are no longer worth the bother.
You’re Too Anxious to Relax or Concentrate
Not all people with caregiver burnout develop signs of depression. Instead, some people start to develop anxiety issues instead. When you’re constantly worried about your loved one, you could end up on high alert all the time. You might find it impossible to enjoy free time or focus on the tasks at hand because you’re constantly thinking about how everything could go wrong.
If you’re experiencing caregiver burnout, consider looking for a professional caregiver who’s compassionate, reliable, and experienced in senior home care. One of the most challenging tasks of helping an elderly relative age in place safely and comfortably is researching agencies that provide elderly home care. Danville families can turn to Assisting Hands Home Care for reliable, high-quality in-home care for aging adults. We offer around-the-clock care for seniors who require extensive assistance, and we also offer respite care for family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving duties. Call one of our dedicated Care Managers today at 925-332-1276 to learn about the high quality of our in-home care services.